Navicat for PostgreSQL 12.0.24

Navicat for PostgreSQL 12.0.24

Name Navicat for PostgreSQL 12 0 24 TNT.dmg
Size 59.90 MB

Descriptions for Navicat for PostgreSQL 12.0.24Name: Navicat 12 for PostgreSQL
Version: 12.0.24
Release Date: March 29, 2018
Developer: PremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.
MAS Rating: 4+
Mac Platform: Intel
OS Version: OS X 10.10 or later
Includes: Pre-K�ed (TNT)
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Mac App Store:
***** Navicat Premium named �Best Database Administration Solution� by Database Trends and
Applications Magazine *****
** Best-in-Class Database Management Tools **Navicat for PostgreSQL Enterprise Edition is a powerful database administration and development
tool for PostgreSQL. It comes with advanced features such as the Data Modeling Tool,
Import/Export, Visual Query Builder, Data Transfer, Data and Structure Synchronization, and Batch
Job Scheduling. Create, organize, access, and share information securely and easily with an intuitive
GUI and take advantage of the flexibility of Navicat Cloud to sync your connection settings, models,
queries and virtual groups to the cloud so you can get real-time access to them anytime.
Navicat�s sophisticated features provide professional developers with the tools they need, but are
designed to be easy to learn for users new to database servers. Navicat for PostgreSQL is
compatible with PostgreSQL Database Servers from version 7.3 or above, and supports most of the
latest PostgreSQL features.
Visual Database Designer
The Data Modeling Tools allows you to create graphical representations of a relational database. The
Reverse Engineer lets you create and edit database models from existing databases or create a
model and generate a database to support it.
Navicat Data Modeling also allows you to compare and synchronize between Models and Databases
and generate SQL/DDL scripts.
� Advanced PostgreSQL Management Tools
The PL/PGSQL Debugger offers features for setting breakpoints, stepping through the program,
viewing and modifying variable values, and examining the call stack. Debug PL/PGSQL code directly
from the Navicat environment.
� Query-Building Tools
The Visual Builder allows you to build complicated queries without knowledge of SQL syntax. Quickly
construct SQL statements in SQL Editor with the code/word completion feature. All it takes is a pick
from the drop-down list.
� Data Import and Export
Navicat for PostgreSQL provides a wide variety of file formats for inserting and extracting data
to/from your database. Create new tables or update existing ones with formats including XLS, XML,
CSV, TXT, and DBF.
� Data Manipulation Tools
Advanced Data Transfer brings a new level of reliability in data transfers between databases.
Navicat�s synchronization tools help you centralize data and keep databases up-to-date so that each
repository contains the same information.� Navicat Cloud
Sync your connection settings, models, queries and virtual groups to the cloud so you can get realtime
access to them anytime, anywhere. With Navicat Cloud Collaboration, you can create, organize
and share files/projects with your coworkers from anywhere, on any device.
You can take control of your project� adding members you choose, defining the role of each
member, and get visibility into your team activities from the Activity Log to align your team for greater
Other useful features:
ER Diagram View
Database Backup and Restoration
User Privilege Manager
Form View
Text/Hex/Image Viewer and Editor
SQL Beautifier
Connection coloring
Virtual grouping
Database Wide Search
Object Filter
For more detailed information, please visit:
** For technical questions related to the Mac App Store, please visit:
What�s New in Navicat for PostgreSQL 12.0.24
Bug fixes and improvements

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